Where is the best place in my house for my bedroom? Where’s the best place for my home office?![room-placement-chart-copy1](https://vastusolutions.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/jquery-image-lazy-loading/images/grey.gif)
Chart of Ideal Room Placements within Eight Compass points of your home
- Using the scientific principles of the twelve Vasati laws, this diagram shows the ideal room placements within the eight compass points of your home.
- You can see where the five natural elements; Fire, Water, Ether, Earth and Air are prevalent within each direction.
- Positive Energy potential of the elements, weights and space as well as favourable and supportive planetary influences are best achieved by assigning the room functions as depicted.
- You can see the Vastu Purush lying with his head towards this is very sensitive space in the Northeast (Water and Ether). His feet lie in the Southwest (Earth)
- The centre (Brahma sthana- the seat of Lord Brahma) of your home is sacred space ideally reserved for family members to come together and socialise.
- The Northwest (Air); your garage and pets can also be kept here. The Southeast (Fire); can also be very busy and productive areas of your home if used wisely. To understand this further refer to the Second Energetic law of Vasati
- The life flowing energies begin to slow down in the South as they come from the Southeast. Energies are now totally consumed by the time it reaches the Southwest. The Western energies are also now coming to depletion as it becomes used up in the Northwest. As a result of the negative energies in the South, Southwest and West these areas are best made still and heavy and best used as bedrooms and heavy storage.
- Another important consideration when choosing your personal rooms in any given space is to refer to your Unique Personal Direction which is calculated from your astrological birth data.