The Effects of Colours, Symbols and Words On Vastu Yantras
- Yantras may be multi-coloured or all one colour. Although yantras also have an effect when they are all one colour, the energetic influence and clarity are being amplified by the use of colours.
- The colour spectrum represents the spectrum of the subtle energies. The colours are assigned to the different planets and each direction, and they will be used if the energy of a certain planet or direction is to manifest in the yantra. If you draw the same yantra in different colours, you will get yantras with slightly different effects.
- Symbols are another important part of yantras, because they symbolize the subtle power of a certain planet, entity or object. Traditionally such symbols are being used all over the world in geomantics in order to influence the energies of the earth and space.
- The power of symbols is not exclusively due to their psychological effect, because otherwise it would not be possible to prove some effect on plants or other natural energetic systems independent of a human observer. However, various scientific methods have brought about such proofs in numerous cases.
- For years the Slowenic geomantic Marko Pogacnik has been performing geomantic healings of landscapes, places, cities, forests and parks in many parts of the world, simply by carving symbols of nature’s elements and natural entities in stone and placing them in points which are energetically effective, the acupuncture points of the respective energetic system. The effects of his earth acupuncture is so convincing that even city councils and administrations ask Pogacnik to perform such landscape healings in their areas.
- The written word has a great effect in the subtle realm, because it carries its meaning in a fine energetic vibration. That means that the effect of a writing does not necessarily depend on someone reading and understanding it, but that is has an effect beyond consciousness.
- For instance, if you write down words with a positive meaning such as love, hope, kindness, belief, mercy on a piece of paper and put a glass of water on it, the positive vibration of these words will be transferred to the water. This transfer can be amplified or accelerated, by lightly striking the glass with a spoon. You will get the same effect if you write down these words on a bottle of water in which the water is being stored. The positive effect of such affirmations can be proven by the aid of modern photographic methods. Water exposed to positive affirmations crystallizes in wonderfully beautiful harmonious forms, whereas water exposed to negative affirmations crystallizes in disharmonious, chaotic forms.
- For this reason, most yantras contain written elements in addition to the geometric elements and symbols. In general these writings are in Sanskrit, as it has an especially energetic effect. The letters of Sanskrit are vibration images representing the sound image of the corresponding sound. Sanskrit words or sentences written or pronounced, aiming at manifesting a certain energy, power or entities, are called mantras. A mantra is a written or spoken sound vibration, which has the power to free the mind. According to Vedic tradition every energy, power or entity has its own mantra, by which it can be addressed.
- In the Vedic world view, every planet is dominated by a certain aspect of God. These aspects are presented in the form of the 10 of the twelve Vastu yantras. It is completely safe to apply them, they cannot have any negative effects, because they do not simply amplify the power of the planet they represent, but balance it in an intelligent way. For instance, if a certain planet is weak in your horoscope, it will be strengthened by the yantra. If a planet is acting negatively due to it being in an ‘attacked’ position by another planet, then its effect can be neutralised.
- You can apply the yantras according to a very simple principle. If you find a Vastu defect in the house or on the plot, you find out first which planet is affected by this. Once you have identified one or more planets, you place a yantra to the spot affected respectively. In most cases you fix the yantra on the wall; the height of the yantra depends on the yantra selected.
- The following list provides an overview for the height of each yantra. The details given below refer to the body parts of a person most affected by the planets.
Planet Height
Sun -Heart
Venus -Solar plexus
Mars- Spleen
Rahu- Coccyx
Saturn -Spleen
Moon -Neck
Mercury -Eyes
Ketu -Crown of the head
Jupiter -Crown of the head
6 ways vastu yantras balance spatial energy
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