- Energized Yantras are immediately “tuned in and turned on” so to speak. The ritual of energizing Yantras with a puja or installation ritual, ensures you to receive maximum benefit from the moment of installation and you will feel an immediate sense of peace and joy and a lightness in the atmosphere. You may also feel more energised.
- Each Vastu Yantra awards you with its unique gifts. Each directional avatar (Lord) can bless you with qualities that are missing in your life. ( They are summarised at the back of each yantra)
- You may experience a range of positive experiences over a course of time; such as a shift in a mental block or release from depression as well attainment of your specific desire. The process is as unique as we are individuals, there are no hard and fast rules.
- If the yantra installation procedure seems too difficult, then you may offer only one or more of the mentioned items. The primary ingredient of a successful installation is the mantra recital (see mantra card in yantra set ). It activates the yantra by invoking its presiding Personality, just as you do when you call upon someone to help you.
- The sincerity of your chanting is effectually as potent as the success of your transformation and you are not limited to chanting just three mantras. As with most things, the more energy you put into it the better the result. (see footnote)
- You can play the specially designed Vastu Sacred Mantras Cd as a pronunciation guide to the mantras. The sacred sounds create a conducive mood for installing your yantras.
- The yantras do not ever yield any negativity, however meditating on any negativity in your life just yields more negativity so be wary to avoid this by focusing on the positive aspects of life that you want to achieved
- Some factors determine their success; especially in regards to the sincerity of the Yantra owner. There may well be will be issues to work out and experiences to be had before you can achieve your desire.
- By installing a Vastu Yantra however, you have some steps to cleansing your karma and creating an opening for new possibilities in your life.
- You can maintain the potency of the yantras by ‘charging’ them up with chanting its mantra, either everyday (it only takes a few seconds) or at regular intervals or whenever you feel inspired to.