How Can You Energise Your Home?
When houses or offices are built without considering the harmonisation of Nature’s multifarious influences, it is usually impossible to change certain structural and physical attributes, for instance the building orientation and shape of the entire building. However, there are many other physical and subtle ‘to do’s’ you can see listed below. These can be implemented or suggested during your Vastu Consultation to maximise positive energy flow within your space. Some adjustments may be considered drastic, while others can be quite simple. If you have the means, they can be well worth the endeavour due to the manifestation of the many positive results in your life.
- Adjusting land shapes and Slopes– use of fencing, build brick walls and adding or subtracting earth
- Indoor Structural Changes-put up walls to block negative energy flow or tear down walls to allow the positive to enter and circulate.
- Changing Room Functions– (see link) swap rooms for Directional Empowerment to better match your individual planetary influences.
- Balance the Five Great Elements– introduce the five material elements into your space to support the subtle presiding ones in each direction e.g. flowing water feature in the North, whose elements are Air and water, for increased cash flow and improved communications.
- Correcting with Colours-match the planetary colours of any direction to strengthen your area e.g. Mars presides in the South and the colour is red, offering you prosperity and protection.
- Adopting Behavioural Changes– e.g. Avoid inappropriate use of ‘negative’ areas that generate inauspicious energy e.g. using an alternative entrance with a more positive energy flow to building.
- Energising with natural images-e.g. Place photographs, paintings, artefacts or deities which represent the qualities of any given direction. E.g. A Buddha murti in the North or Venetian artefact depicting sensual enjoyment in the Southeast (Venus).
Not only does the Peace Lily send up beautiful flowers, but they’re impossible to kill and have great air cleaning abilities. They flower through most of the summer and prefer shady spots with moist but not soggy soil. It removes ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.
- Using Plants-e.g. Plants can assist to balance the bio-energetic fields, absorb radiation, and clean the air of toxins and chemicals in your space. And e.g. large potted plants with huge leaves can reduce the negative energy potential of negative sectors.
- Assigning Crystals and Gems-each direction has its own specific crystal or gemstone, which can ‘power’ your space and absorb negativity e.g. in the Northwest the Moon planet’s gemstones are Pearl and Moonstone, which when installed properly, can positively affect our mental and emotional equilibrium, thus provide you with an atmosphere for loving and peaceful relationships.
- Harmonising with Sacred Mantras and sounds– They have been proven to affect us on a cellular level-(see link)
- Space Clearing Ceremony-A spiritual ceremony with bells and incense etc can clear old stagnant energies and revitalise your space- (see link)
- Yantra– (see link)
- Meru Chakra– (see link)
- Vasati Pyramid– (see link)
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