After showering and in clean clothes, you can calm the mind to prepare for the puja.
- You can do pranayama or take deep and slow, focused breaths.
- You may want to check your mantra pronunciation with the Vastu Sacred Mantras album or play it in the background to help create the associated ambience.
- A Vastu Yantra is placed upon the wall, in one of the eight compass points of your building. (Vastu Yantra set comes with simple instructions on how to do this.) Or place the Yantra on a table (with clean cloth) with a small bell, a lighter, incense and holder, candle or ghee lamp with wicks, small conch, new handkerchief and fresh flowers.
How to activate your yantra ? (Puja)
- Ring a small bell with your left hand (optional) and place your fourth finger of right hand on the exact centre point or bindhu of your yantra.
- Chant the associated mantra for your yantra or simply ‘AUM’ at least three times to invoke the presiding deity or Avatar of the yantra. Remove your finger
- You can offer incense in clockwise circular motions. A pleasant aroma is created to welcome your Avatar and it also represents your desires.
- Next carefully light a candle or ghee lamp and offer as the incense. This fire represents our soul. Our very self that is being offered in this quest for self discovery and self fulfilment. It is the desire for truth and light to be awakened within us, simultaneously aligning us with the Cosmic Pulse.
- Offer water in a small conch shell or any clean and unused vessel, and meditate as if you are bathing the Yantra. (optional)
- A small clean handkerchief or paper napkin is offered as a means of ‘drying’ the deity after the bath. (optional)
- Fresh fragrant flowers are offered by circling seven times around the Yantra. They represent your heart which you want to align with the personality of the Yantra and become a receptacle of their blessings.
- Fresh or dry fruits can also be lovingly offered to the Avatar residing within your yantra. This offering represents our self sacrifice and surrender. These remnants or prashad are considered to have powerful shakti or potency due to being infused high frequency vibrations. The sanctified food can be eaten and shared afterwards.
- Meditate by gazing upon your Yantra, Focus on the positive outcome of any particular issue in your life with positive affirmations. You might want to formulate a personal aim and let it accompany the ceremony in the form of a prayer or meditation. You could wish that negative energies be completely removed from your house or that the inhabitants be protected from any negative influences. Every wish, spoken for the good of all, is possible.
- Conclude the procedure with a bow and folded hands out of love and gratitude for all gifts past, present and future.
Congratulations your Yantra is now installed !
NB. The most important way to maintain the potency of the yantra is by its mantra recital. You can repeat the whole or any part of the procedure as you feel inspired to and charge up your yantras. A similar and yet more elaborate Vastu puja ceremony is performed by the Vastu pandit when installing the Vasati pyramid and Meru Chakra in the home and business.
(After finishing with items which already offered, sprinkle water on your hands to make them fresh and clean for offering the next item. All the items once offered in the ceremony should not be offered again.)

Ghee lamp burning in Yantra installation
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Can I keep Shri yantra in my home temple or not? I started vaibhav Laxmi vrat and bought a copper Shri yantra which I simply kept in my temple and I did not puy it in water overnight even though I read that we should soak it overnight before placing it, what should I do now ? Should I take it out from temple and what is the actual procedure?
How can I energise the shree yantra ? I actually chant this mantra twice daily ‘yantrarajaye vigmaye maha yantra rahe dhimahi tanno yantra prachodayat’
Please advise
In which thithi (up coming) I placed Yantra, my home ? My puja room is settled up on the top floor of my house. Where Yantra settled up ? On the Puja room or ground floor (where everyone)see the Deity. Please advise.
Namaste Shilpi
Thank you for your question about the best place for the yantras. They can be placed on any floor and yes if they are visible all the more better. If you have any further questions please feel free to email me.
This article provides the best information about the Yantras for a home to bring positiveness and spiritual connection. Thanks for sharing this article on the internet.
Namaste Bindu, Thank you for your feedback