My Vastu journey began in 2000; at that time in my life I felt trapped and constantly frustrated with the stagnation in all levels of my life and was eager to try anything to help my situation feel more positive. When a friend recommended I try a Vastu (Indian Feng-Shui) consultation I jumped at the opportunity. I had the full works, having the consultant install the twelve Vastu Yantras and the Meru chakra and Vasati pyramid in my home with mantras.
Following the consultant’s advice, I made adjustments to my external environment and immediately began experiencing what I can best describe as a ‘clearing’ in my life.
During the ceremony, a large cheque dropped through my letter box. It was money owed to me that I had given up hope of having returned. Was it a coincidence? All I know is that the mantras were doing something positive, I could feel it.
To my surprise and delight, following the consultation a multitude of further positive events unfolded. I moved to a new desired place of residence and my finances improved drastically. I became hopeful and excited, could this be the beginning of something better?
The Vastu consultant made a remark that really struck a chord within me. He explained that the negative aspects in our space are merely reflections of the stagnated or blocked energies within ourselves. We attract a space, room, house, or apartment that matches and supports our subconscious mind, our beliefs, the way our chakras work, and ultimately our karma. In other words, our space supports who we are.
I was inspired to understand this concept in a deeper way. I wanted to change and I wanted to know how.
Vastu is a system designed to read and interpret these reflections in our space, offering remedial solutions to bring harmony and balance within our microcosm, aligning it with the macrocosm of the universe.
This discovery was inspirational and within a short time I knew that Vastu was my calling. I began to study this science as well as facilitate seminars for our Vastu teacher. By the end of 2002, I became a certified practitioner.
The real learning came afterwards, during the many consultations I performed over the years. Each experience has shown me how to further develop techniques and assist my clients with their transformation in more and more effective ways.
Vastu is still working for me and the positive results I have accrued by sharing the application of this science with others as well as applying it in my own personal life have been a part of my own inner fulfilment.
There are endless ways in which I can see this knowledge and the Vastu tools working to improve your life. I am bursting to share the tips and advice I have learned over the years so that you too can reap the benefits of this ancient science, here and now and make it work for you.
I am excited about making this Vastu journey with you and would be honoured if you would share your Vastu experiences with us, or comments, questions and queries. I am looking forward to getting to know you all a little better.
May Love, Light and Blessings come your way.
Hari Om
Nandini Mohindra
great ! well written Nandini. I think I must consult you .what say you ?
if I can be of any service to you, I would be delighted to assist you transform your space, your energy and your life !
With affection nandini
Wow, that’s so interesting how we attract a living space that supports who we believe ourselves to be. I guess that many people don’t actually want to shift their stuck energies though, eh?
Keep up the good work, very inspiring. Madhu
i love your web site so informative – i need to take notes! i am always working on moving things around to get it right! too much clutter internally and externally!
Hi Dhanistha,
Thank you for your comment and it is encouraging to hear how you are making the effort to adjust your environment to ‘get it right’. It’s a positive sign for being proactive rather then caving into the influences of lethargy and negativity. Yes, our clutter is a reflection on our inner issues that need addressing. In extreme cases, it is evident that traumatic events in the course of life, which are not dealt with or processed can often lead to ‘being stuck’. Hoarding develops often as means to hide or push down the pain with layers of ‘stuff’. The good news is that it is totally possible to heal the crisis with therapy and when there is an honest acknowledgement to the cause and symptom, and an openness to change. If you watch the Hoarders TV program; once their space is cleared away and emotional issues addressed, they never want to go back to the chaos and junk. They have moved on and ‘let go’. You can see the change of energy; their faces become lighter and clearer. It’s quite exciting to observe !
If you have any questions about the changes you are striving to make in your space, then please do ask, as I am so happy to assist you in any way I am able.
Love and light
Hari Om