Online Home Consultation
Bronze- Online Analysis of your property- £225
- Vastu floor plans and analysis of two floors of your home
- Set of twelve Vastu yantras will be posted out to you for your home
- The Vastu Sacred Mantras Album to sanctify your space with sacred sounds.
- Directional Empowerment– Your best personal directions in any given space according your personal astrology.
- Phone call or Skype session: Ask questions and get personal Vastu recommendations for improved energy flow within your home using your Vastu floor Plans as a reference.
Home Visit Consultations
Choose from 3 Levels:
Silver- Level 1. Home Visit – £450
- Vastu floor plans and analysis of two floors of your house
- set of Vastu yantras to install in your home
- Vastu Sacred Mantras Album to sanctify your space with sacred sounds
- Directional Empowerment– Your best personal directions in any given space calculated from your personal astrology.
- Phone call or Skype session: Using your Vastu floor Plans as a reference, we can answer any questions you have about your home.
- In a Home Visit You will get: A ‘walk about consultation‘ with the consultant to examine the eight compass points of your home. You can be guided on how to improve your energy flow to give you a better quality of life and a deeper understanding of your home and yourself.
- Personal Vastu recommendations for improved energy flow within your home using your Vastu floor Plans as a reference point.
- Activate your Vastu Yantras on your walls with a Space Clearing ceremony to sanctify your home.
Gold- Level 2. Home Visit -Plus One Pyramid and Installation – £1100
- Receive all the above listed services and products in Silver- Level 1
- Plus your choice of the Vasati Pyramid or the Meru Chakra.
- Any one of the Pyramids is positioned at a strategic point in alignment to your home.
- Your Pyramid is initialised with (puja) space clearing and sacred installation ceremony.
Platinum-Level 3. Home Visit- Plus Two Pyramids and Installation – £1800
- This level automatically includes everything in Gold- Level 2 plus both Vasati pyramid and Meru chakra installed with a sacred ceremony.
- You may consider the powerful benefits of both Vasati and Meru Chakra Pyramids: Sri Laxmi devi is represented by Meru Chakra and Sri Narayan is represented by the Vasati Pyramid. Together they are the most powerful Yin Yang space harmonisers in the science of Vasati.
Book your Home Consultation and transform your space
- To book a consultation please choose the Level you require from the Paypal drop down list below.
- The payment options for each Level are charged at 50% of its total price. The balance 50%, is paid upon completion of your consultation.
- You can also pay by direct bank transfer or send a cheque.
- Upon receipt of your deposit, Vastu floor plans for your building are drawn. Your Directional Empowerment and Vedic animal are also calculated at this point.
- If you have questions about the different levels of services and products offered, please free to Contact me
Looking to buy a new home? It’s a big decision and you want to make sure it’s right for you
- Before you buy it, get a quick Vastu floor plans analysis check over !
- With this service you can ‘tune in’ and a get a better understanding of the general quality your new prospective home can offer you.
- Find your dream home and check for vastu adjustments to bring harmony and balance.
- Vastu defects are revealed in the plans and you can guided to a home more suited to your needs.
- Please Contact me for pricing.
See more about your Home visit
Book Your HomeConsultationwith a 50% depositChoose your Level |
What I need from you?
- Your floor plans (to scale) of your property
- Your birth time, place and date, if you have them
Namaste, I look forward to meeting you and your home.
Love, Light and Blessings
NB Please click on underlined links above for more information on products and services available to you
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